10 tips how to improve your translations quality in game localization WEBINAR


Discover 10 tips (and more!) that will help you immediately improve the quality of your translations. Watch the webinar and read the notes to translate games better right away!



Discover 10 tips (and more!) that will help you immediately improve the quality of your translations. Watch the webinar and read the notes to translate games better right away!

How to ensure your translations are top quality?

See the tricks to keep the highest quality even on a worse day. Check aspects that will make your clients see you as a professional game localizer – because of the added value to your services. Use the tips right away in your translation and translation tests!

What to do right away to get better scores on translation tests?

Learn (way more than) 10 tips that are easy to include in your localization work and see the instant change in the next translation feedback. 100% practical solutions to instantly use!

Webinar focused on a practical approach and results

No BS, 100% practical tips that will help you not only keep the constant high quality of your translation services but also give you ideas that will help you present yourself as a professional localizer to your clients.

23 tips included in the webinar notes!

Additional to the webinar you also receive an ebook with notes with summarized (and expanded) tips to remember!